Friday, 30 October 2015

Some of our “political” writers, “Political” filmmakers, “Political” historians and “Political” Scientists are suffering from bouts of depression because they perceive a looming threat to our “democracy” (democracy as they define); nay they go beyond that perception; these hallucinating scientists  compare the situation –which they have sought to popularize through their media underlings (more of the hand-waving TV anchors with their biased theatrics) as one of “rising intolerance “ of the “fringe” sections  whom they find politically aligned and linked to the BJP Govt at the Centre.  The scientists have described the situation as close to “nuclear criticality” that can go off any time to plunge the country into mushroom clouds of chaos and devastation.  The “rebels”, that is, the “intellectuals” rising in rebellion that borders on sedition--because they are twisting things to propagandize their weird perception which is not the reality,--   had no issues in the last decade when the country was confronted with economic collapse and slump. The Indian economy was downgraded by all international agencies, and the constitutional democracy was reduced to dynasty that had subjected the government of the day to its manoeuvrings and manipulations.  Manmohan Singh chosen by the dynasty as its political face would remain in yoke to the office of Madam Sonia for every decision of the cabinet that could not be taken without her seal of assent and imprimatur; but these “vested” and venal intellectuals are now having a problem when the teeming millions of the Indian populace have set up a real democracy having ousted the dynasty out of power,  punishing it severely with only 44 seats, not even 10% to deny it even the “Leader of the Opposition” (‘LoP’) status. It is facing near extinction for its misdeeds and arrogance-- the humongous corruption and mess which it had plunged India in beyond any hope of redemption.  Mark here, the lefties like Amartya Sen and his close lackeys before the General Election in May 2014 hopped from one TV channel to another propagating a personal agenda that Narendra Modi would be a disaster if he was to become the next PM.  Media crooks then jumped in the fray vociferously.  A retired assistant editor of a renowned newspaper which is now merely surviving in the sunset days of its past glory wrote that Modi as PM would be haunted by the Gujarat riot so much so as to  be rendered incapacitated to perform vis-a-vis foreign leaders!  The reality is however to the contrary which is before all of us to see.  That Mr. Modi is now a globally acknowledged leader, who has lifted India with his charisma and dynamism out of the moribund state that we saw in the last decade, must be a heart-burning realization of this pack of decrepit and venal writers and journalists.

Shamefully, these pseudo-secular liberals took their fight beyond the shores of India. Their followers in the US academic institutions raised hoopla over Mr. Modi’s pet project Digital India. Down on their knees they pleaded with the Silicon Valley leaders to not welcome the PM , that was clearly against India’s interests.  These US-based Indian academics had the gall to argue that the Modi’s Digital India would unleash a monster to spy on their fellow intellectuals back home.  What are they afraid of? Are they engaged in anti-India activities like those foreign-funded 5-star NGO activists who exceed their brief?  Thankfully these academics got pushed over in their dirty politics by other means. Mr. Modi was given a rousing welcome in the Silicon Valley.  Mr. Modi’s dynamic leadership has engaged the attention of the global community and this must be the reason for hear-burn of the Congress party that is busy opening new fronts one after the other.

The backbone-less Congress party that can survive in an oligarchy cannot accept Narendra Modi’s prime ministerial position.  The party’s DNA runs in the servile allegiance to its narrative of dynastic heritage. Whether it was Nehru, Indira Gandhi who was even equated with India (the near eponym helped the foot-soldiers however) or Rajiv or even his imbecile progenitor Rahul is of no consequence; which is why even an Italian-born uneducated woman of dubious parentage and country of origin can dictate her position to the UPA government that was run by the politics of convenience rather than ethical and constitutional edicts.  Of course in this internal and inherent weakness of the system that the Congress party with the support of the left was able to set up a contrived democracy to be conducive to promoting the ideological agenda and the vested interests of the aligned “intellectuals’ who are carrying the baggage of their pathological dislike and paroxysm against the prime minister-ship of Narendra Modi.  The Congress has mobilized these lumpen intellectuals to pipe its tune. A few incidents which took place in states before Narendra Modi was elected with an overwhelming majority to the Centre or which took place in the non-BJP rules states, and which fall under the states’ responsibility in the well-defined federal structure in the Constitution, are blown out of proportion in order to lay the blame at the door of the central government.  They are forming a beeline to label the BJP government at the Centre as intolerant of freedom of speech and expression.  A few incidents, which are undoubtedly ghastly but not without parallels in the past, and are contentiously of law-and-order character and which for the Central government to take stern action against would probably transgress the principle of federalism, have become the cornerstone for them to demonstrate their intellectual theatrics. They must realize that they are harming the poor Indians who are hopeful of better days. The economy is already showing signs of recovery on a higher growth projectile.  One can sympathize with some of them who stand in relation to Jawharlal Nehru to Manmohan Singh or who are connected to left politics, but the others should get carried away with the penguin mindset.   They have time to amend their positions yet or else the public would lose respect for them.       

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